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Why Do I Need To Work With You?

Laura L. Scott

Here is a sobering fact… There are over 2 million active real estate agents in the U.S. NAR stat.

Consider there are only 1.35 million lawyers and 1.1 million insurance brokers and agents according to the PEW Research Center.

Both the legal and insurance industry are experiencing the effects of disrupters; more competition, and clients having easy access to the same information they used to OWN exclusively… Consequently, there is a HUGE attrition rate in both industries… Translation: People who aren’t relevant and in-demand are losing their jobs.

What makes an “In Demand Sales Professional”?

When clients are asked what the need in a real estate partner, the overwhelming response is “someone I can trust”… This means throwing away the Glengarry Glen Ross adage “ABC- Always Be Closing” and substituting it with “ABA- Always Be Advocating.”

Clients want to buy, they don’t want to be sold.

Sales is no longer about memorizing scripts, but learning the market and being a genuine consultant to your current and potential clients.

The top agents are aware of EACH of their client's unique needs and wants, and relentlessly tries to deliver.

This week’s message is simple… Do you want to remain relevant and be an IN DEMAND sales professional?

The answer is simple… Don’t expect your clients to understand and adopt a scripted approach to success (ABC), but instead, understand THEIR GOALS, and create a unique plan that proves you ARE their trusted advisor (ABA).



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